Membership Application 2025

Club meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at the Boab Tavern, High Wycombe.

Please come along and support your club!

2025 Membership & Costs

Welcome to the BSA & Harley Davidson Motorcycle Club WA Inc for the 2025 membership year. 

Membership year commences in January and ends in December. Our track is open for use from 15th of February until 15th of December.

About us

Our club is a non profit organisation that offers junior and senior motocross riders a safe place to ride and compete. We have a strict no hassle policy and a strive to provide fun, family friendly environment 

We offer both recreational and competitive events catering to all types of rider . 

We offer a range of membership options including single and family prices on full, event and day memberships.

Membership Types

Full membership 

Allows access to a track key, permission to ride at all times and camping with committee permission. (some weather restrictions apply due to fire risk but are outlined in Membership Book available on the website

Full Year Pricing


Full membership $225 + $100 Flag Duty Levy = Total $325 ($100 refundable on completion of Flag Duty)


Full membership $350 + $200 Flag Duty Levy = Total $550 (2 x $100 refundable on completion of Flag Duties)

(Up to two adults and five children 16 years or under)


All female memberships are Free - no charge, but must pay $100 Flag ($100 refundable on completion of Flag Duty by the member or any nominated person 16 years or older)

Track Access $60 per prox card.

SOCIAL MEMBERSHIP (non riding) $20

Postage of prox card:

Registered Post: $10

NOTE: If postage is not paid you will need to collect your membership card/ key from the track on any event day

No other pick up arrangements may be made.


Due to the cost of Ambulance transport from our track if needed, it is essential you have Ambulance Cover. If you do not have cover you are accepting the costs of the transport.

Also please be familiar with club rules and age restrictions for bike capacity before joining, these are available online at

Life members

Although there is not a fee for life members all riding members are expected to complete the online registration prior to the new season. Please contact us if you require access.

Creating a Family membership

Just a little additional information, when completing a family membership, you create your family admin member first then you will be prompted to add the admin to the family before adding other members. If the payment amount doesn't appear it is because you have not added the members yet.

Family memberships are available to any legally recognised couple or single parent and their children up to the age of 16

Day Memberships

Day memberships are available for the track for those who wish to ride with existing members.

The cost is $80.

Riders must nominate a date and the name of the member who they will ride with.

Any queries please contact our membership officer Trudi on 0428 401 605

(Only 3-7pm weekdays, 9am-5pm weekends)


To join BSAHDMC please click here to start the membership process

The link will take you to the Club Rules & Quiz.

It is a mandatory condition of membership that all members have read and understand the club rules.

Please first read the rules then answer the quiz questions.

Once you have answered the quiz questions, hit the green SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page.

At the top of the next page is some text with a link to the membership site - CLICK THE LINK to start the next stage of membership process.

You can also view your score (opens in a new window) or edit or change your response if you wish.

Your results will automatically be emailed to you.


Welcome to the BSA & Harley Davidson Motorcycle Club WA Inc
for the 2023 membership year.

Before signing up as a member, please read and understand the club rules as failure to abide by the club rules below will result in termination of your membership.

Important Guide to the Rules Quiz

When you have read the club rules and completed the quiz, it's REALLY IMPORTANT that you don't just click through to view your results without actually getting to the Registration link.

  1. When you get to the last question, you hit the big green SUBMIT button to go to the next page.

2. When you have completed the quiz and got everything right please follow the link highlighted by the arrows to register for membership at BSAHDMC: 

Flag Marshal Levy

All club members are required to provide a person to flag marshal for a day of a club race event for the season.
The flag marshal roster will be available to all members so there will be enough time to ensure your flag marshal will be available.
Members who fulfil the flag roster will be refunded the $150.00 fee.
Failure to provide a flag marshal will result in forfeit of the $100.00.


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